Sunday 14 June 2009

A growing reputation for visitors

With traditional attractions such as our museums and the Space Centre now complemented by Curve and the Peepul Centre, we are beginning to notice more and more visitors to Leicester - and they certainly seem to like what they see.

Amongst them I have met several visitors over here from our twin city of Krefeld in Germany with which we are celebrating the 40th anniversary of our twinning agreement this year. These have included electrical apprentices on an exchange visit, a visiting fencing team and students currently undertaking work experience here in Leicester.

Lots of people also come here from various parts to visit family and friends in the city. They like our market and often rave about the wide range of restaurants and eating places in Leicester.

And if anyone is ever short of ideas of what to do, the Tourist Information Centre in Every Street now has a bright new look so why not pop in there yourself sometime and see what's on offer?

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